+49-821-56 767 303

NEW product in the rental sector: FIRE & ICE burning ice

„In the beginning there was coldness and fire. In between a deep gorge. In it, fire and ice were fighting and what the coldness had formed the heat brang to life and so a huge giant came into being.....“ (Nordic myth about Wodan)

FIRE & ICE ist he latest product from the House of In cooperation with the company Eisdesign-Baar we made it to unite the contradictory elements fire and ice in an impressing symbiosis.
The combination of fascinating fireballs with artistically designed ice results in an amazing and extraordinary spectacle which is the cynosure of all eyes.

The construction at the bottom is made from high quality V2A stainless steel. The ice sculpture can be created according to your desires and the fireballs are fired through a pit in the centre of it. In addition, it can be illuminated in different colours by LED tecnique in the base.
The fireballs are surrounded by the thick and protective ice all the time.

We are to your disposal at any time if you like to get more information about our products.